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Easy Topics to Write About for an Essay

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Essay writing can be a challenge for students at any level. But it can be especially difficult when you're struggling to come up with a topic to write about.

There is nothing more frustrating than staring at a blank sheet of paper or an empty word document, trying to come up with something interesting to write about.

If you are struggling to come up with a topic, don't worry. There are plenty of easy topics to write about for an essay, in fact, Easyessay us covers them all with their custom essay service. In fact, you may have already been given a topic by your teacher. If not, here are five easy topics to get you started:

1) Is Fasting Better Than Dieting?

This is a very interesting topic to explore. There are many different opinions on dieting, and it is important to consider these when writing an essay. While diets may be effective for losing weight in the short term, they are not effective for maintaining a healthy lifestyle over the long term. Diets put emphasis only on one aspect of health (in this case, weight loss), while fasting takes a more holistic approach. Fasting can help you lose weight, improve your mental clarity, and boost your immune system.

2) Are Schools Doing Enough To Prepare Students For The Workforce?

This is yet another interesting issue to explore. While schools are often criticized for not giving students enough skills needed to succeed in the workforce, they are somewhat limited in what they can teach their students because of certain limitations (for example, laws surrounding education, budget constraints). If you have an opinion on this issue, consider writing about it.

This essay topic can also be explored in a more formal style. Schools are responsible for preparing students to succeed in the workforce, and there is little they can do to fulfill this responsibility if they lack the resources and support needed to do so.

3) How Important Is It For An Employer To Invest In Their Employees?

Employee morale has a big impact on the quality of work. If employees are respected and valued at the company, they will likely perform better than if not. This is why it is important to pay attention to employee morale when hiring new employees or planning out work shifts. Employers also need to make sure that their employees are adequately trained for the job they are doing.

Moreover, when an employer invests in their employees, this can improve the company's reputation within the community. As you can see, the essay topic "How important is it for an employer to invest in their employees?" can be written about on more than one level.

4) Effects Of Global Warming

This is a controversial issue, and there are many different opinions on it. You can write about the effect of global warming on the environment, or you can argue that it does not exist. Whichever side of the argument you take, be sure to support your claim by citing evidence from legitimate sources. If you have conducted research for this essay, be sure to include the sources within the essay.

The topic of global warming can also be written about on a more local level. For example, the effects of climate change in your home country or state can be explored.

5) How Effective Is Social Media?

This is less of an issue and more of a discussion topic. Many people view social media as a negative influence, while others see it as helpful and entertaining (especially through platforms like Facebook and Twitter). Whether you are in favor or against social media, it is important to back up your argument with evidence. Is social media effective at connecting people? Is it good for promoting businesses? How does social media affect our mental health? These are just a few of the questions you could explore in an essay on this topic.


As you can see, essay writing does not have to be intimidating. These are just five of the many topics you could explore. If you are having trouble deciding on a topic, try narrowing it down to one of these five. Once you have chosen a topic, do some research on it and then begin drafting your essay. Remember to stay organized and to use proper citation formats when citing your sources!


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